Change of details

If you have registered for online banking the easiest way to change your address, phone number or nominated bank account it to log in to your online banking (subject to account signing rules).


Change of Address
Once you have logged in, click the ‘My Details’ option and then ‘Contact Details’. This will allow you to update your details with us. You can sign up to online banking by clicking here.


Nominated Bank Account
To view, add or cancel a nominated bank account, log in and select the ‘Nominated Bank Account’ option.

Should you wish to add a new Nominated Bank Account, select ‘New’ and provide the new bank details and ‘Save’. You will then need to link the new details to the relevant account number within the ‘Linked Account’ option. Note, you will need to remove the existing link before you can link your new nominated account.

Should you wish to cancel the Nominated Bank Account, select the Nominated Bank details you would like to cancel and select ‘Cancel’.

Please note, you will need to remove the link from the Linked Account option to cancel the account details. The option to cancel the nominated bank account will not be available until the link has been removed.


Email Address
To change your Email address, please contact us via Secure Message. If do not have online banking you will need to get in touch via phone, any change will need to also be according to signing instructions.


Changing Mandates
If you are a business or charity customer wishing to change your mandate, you can do this with our change of signatory forms which are located here.


Ways to contact us

  • Login and send us a message via online banking
  • 020 7190 5599

    Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm

  • United Trust Bank, One Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9AW

  • Submit via our online contact form
  • Use our Help Centre to see if we can answer any of your queries online