UTB | Homes England
United Trust Bank and Homes England are working together to provide funding to support the building activities of small and medium-sized developers on residential and residential led mixed-use projects in England through the Housing Accelerator Fund.

Housing Accelerator Fund
A five-year alliance between Homes England and UTB to improve financial support for the building activities of small and medium sized housebuilders and developers.
Key features
- Loans from £1m to £10m
- Maximum Loan to GDV 70%
- Maximum Loan to Cost 87.5%
- Maximum Single Unit selling price £800,000
- Average selling price <£800psf
- Planning gain & project phasing can be taken in to account
- Terms up to 36 months
- Available in England
Other development finance facilities
Homes England are the Government’s housing accelerator. They have the appetite, influence, expertise and resources to drive positive market change. They’re making possible the new homes England needs, helping to improve neighbourhoods and grow communities. They welcome partners who share their ambition to challenge traditional norms and build better homes faster.