Security tips for online banking

Security is of the utmost importance to us here at United Trust Bank; keeping your deposits and information safe is our number one priority.

Whether you are viewing your account information or providing maturity instructions, our security measures are in place to keep your data, and accounts, safe online.

What can you do to help us keep you safe and secure? There are basic actions that can be taken by our Online Banking customers to keep our processes even more secure. Here we have some important security advice from United Trust’s Cyber Security Manager:

‘I am an advocate of keeping things simple in security. There are lots of things that an individual can do to improve their online security, especially when accessing their bank accounts, but in almost all cases there are three fundamental core steps that I believe will assure your personal security is as robust as it can be:

1. Use Unique passwords for your online account, this means ensuring you do not reuse usernames and passwords, or use similar password patterns, for other online services. Changing your password regularly is also always advised.

2. Doing so is really difficult without the help of a Password Manager. However, most modern web browsers now help you store passwords in the browser, or you could use a password manager programme for your computer, mobile phone and other mobile devices that will keep your passwords synchronised across devices. This way you just have to remember one strong, long password.

3. Above all else ensure you have switched on MFA (2FA), Multi Factor Authentication or 2 Factor Authentication for all online services that permit it. This will save your everyday accounts and savings accounts being fully compromised if your password does ever end up being leaked or phished. MFA doesn’t just have to be for Online Banking, most online services are supporting MFA for free so wherever available we recommend turning it on.

UTB recommends and encourages the use of the SecurEnvoy MFA (Multi Factor Authentication App) for use when logging in with our deposits portal. A random rolling code is generated by the app and this is considered far safer than a onetime code delivered by an SMS text message. More importantly, the SecurEnvoy mobile app works with or without mobile phone signal coverage.

If you are ever in doubt about the legitimacy of an email you have received, or any other communication, we recommend you contact us by typing in directly into your browser, and not clicking any links.

UTB will never ask you for your password or your one time code information by phone or email.

Communicating with UTB via messaging within Online Banking is the quickest and safest way to communicate with us.

Lastly I want to recommend you take a look at the Take Five campaign to stop fraud. It has some excellent advice and resources on how you can avoid becoming a victim of fraud. For more information if you have been a victim of fraud, please take a look at Action Fraud.’

We always advise that you keep your banking safe by checking your Bank account(s) frequently to spot any irregularities and contact us as soon as possible if you think you have been a victim of fraud. You can find out more information on how UTB works hard to protect you in our Fraud Awareness section, which includes details on reporting fraud to UTB.

To find out more about our Personal, ISA, Business and Charity Deposit Accounts, please visit our website’s dedicated Savings Account section.

Although this email and article may contain helpful information and tips, these are not personal advice. You may wish to seek advice from a financial advisor if you are unsure what’s best for your own personal circumstances.