How do I register for online banking?
We are working on an online banking service for our business and charity customers, and once this is available, we will invite you to register. In the meantime, you can manage your account by email, phone and post.
How do I choose the best business savings account?
This decision should be based on your long-term goals and factor in any immediate needs. For example, if you have funds spare that you can afford to set aside for a fixed period of time, a Fixed Rate Bond is an excellent way to grow those funds with a higher interest rate for more flexibility, a Notice Account may be more attractive as it will allow you to withdraw funds provided you give the required notice period.
How do I know you have received my funds if I can’t access the account online?
For our fixed savings accounts, when we have received the full pledged deposit we will send a confirmation to you. For our notice accounts, we will send you a receipt with each deposit you make.
If you register a mobile number with us as part of your application, we will send you a text message each time you send us funds – regardless of the type of account you hold.
What happens to the funds when the account reaches maturity?
We will both write to you and email you (if you have an email address registered with us) approximately two weeks before your account is due to mature, outlining your options for reinvestment.
It is important that you provide your instructions before the maturity date to secure any preferential existing customer rate you are offered. If we do not receive instructions by the maturity date, your funds will be transferred to a holding account paying just 0.10% AER gross, where they will remain for a maximum of 28 days before being returned to the nominated bank account we hold on file for you.
How do I update the signatories on my account?
If you want to add or remove a signatory on your account, you will need to complete a new mandate found under the ‘Change of Business Signatory Form’ here. The form can be sent by email to [email protected] or by post to One Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9AW. Please ensure any signatories to be removed also sign the mandate, otherwise we will not be able to remove them.
If we are not able to confirm a new signatory’s identity electronically, we will ask you for a copy of their ID. We will let you know when we have updated the signatories.
How often are statements sent?
Statements are sent annually, either on the anniversary of the fixed term’s start date or, for our notice accounts, after interest is applied on 31 October each year.
Should you prefer more frequent statements, please email [email protected] or call us on 020 7190 5599 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday, where our team will be happy to help you.
My auditor requires confirmation of balances. How can they send this to you?
We are now responding to all audit requests through Your auditor can register for the service online at
Why have I been asked to provide more information?
As part of our customer due diligence, there may be instances when we need clarification on the information you have provided. This doesn’t mean your application has not been accepted, but it may delay the account being opened. It is therefore important that any information you provide is up-to-date and accurate.
What information will I need to provide as part of my application?
When submitting your application, you will need to provide details of your business and any individuals you want to operate as signatories on your account. These details will be made clear in the application process. You will also need to provide details of any shareholder that owns 25% or more of the shares (irrespective of the share class) in your company.
Whilst we run an electronic identity check upon receipt of the application, we may on occasion require manual documents or further information to confirm an individual’s identity.
Can I open a business savings account if I or a director/shareholder lives outside of the UK?
At the time of making your application, all signatories and shareholders must be individuals who permanently reside in the UK for tax purposes, and we reserve the right to decline an application if any signatory or shareholder is resident outside of the UK.
If I own more than one business, can I open accounts for each of them?
Yes, though please note you need to have a different email address for each business.