Equality & diversity
The Bank employs staff from a wide variety of backgrounds, origins, experiences and cultures
United Trust Bank (UTB) employs staff from a wide variety of backgrounds, origins, experiences and cultures. We recognise, respect and value people’s differences in terms of skills, experience, background, race and gender and this is reflected both within the organisation, in our recruitment and promotion process and in the way we treat our customers.
Employees believe in treating each other fairly, with dignity and respect and creating an environment where every individual is given equal access to opportunities to fully develop their potential. In line with our values, we listen, respect one another’s opinions, and promote an inclusive culture for all staff. We work co-operatively with our colleagues, whilst recognising their different strengths and abilities. In our behaviour, we are trustworthy and honest and we are transparent and respectful of one another and of our opinions.
In 2020, UTB set up a Diversity and Inclusion Committee with Board level and employee representation. Their aim is to lead, guide and support the Bank’s diversity and inclusion agenda to help create an environment and embed practices that support equal access to opportunities for professional growth and advancement.
UTB’s Directors are committed to:
• Creating an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all team members are recognised and valued.
• Creating a working environment that promotes dignity and respect for every employee and provides support to staff when appropriate, for example during the pandemic or through life events.
• Not tolerating any form of intimidation, bullying, or harassment, and to discipline those that breach this policy.
• Ensuring that training, development and progression opportunities are available to all staff and are based on aptitude and ability.
• Promoting equality in the workplace.
• Encouraging anyone who feels they have been subject to discrimination to raise their concerns so we can apply corrective measures.
We also consider diversity within our Board membership where we value different skills, experience, background, race and gender. When filling Board positions, we ensure that we follow a rigorous selection process, as we do for all our recruitment. This is based on identifying the current skills gap, as well as complementing and expanding the skills, knowledge and experience of the Board as a whole.